华硕和微星新款笔记本电脑亮相 Computex 2024,现已有超过 200 款 RTX AI PC 于市面发售

由 Andrew Burnes 发表于 2024年6月3日 | 精选故事 Computex GeForce RTX GPU GeForce RTX 笔记本电脑 NVIDIA RTX

Computex 2024 上,华硕和微星推出了新款 RTX AI PC,配备至高可达 GeForce RTX 4070 笔记本电脑 GPU 和节能高效的系统级芯片,并具有全新的 Windows AI PC 功能。这些笔记本电脑加入了来自 OEM 合作伙伴的 200 多种全球领先的 RTX AI 设计,为游戏玩家、创作者、开发者和发烧友提供先进的 AI 体验。

华硕 ProArt 创16

16 英寸华硕 ProArt 创16 笔记本电脑可让你随时随地畅享卓越的创作体验。这款机型采用高档黑色机身,内置先进组件,厚度仅为 14.9 毫米,重量仅为 1.8 千克。先进的 4K ASUS Lumina OLED 显示屏可以带来生动逼真的视觉效果,确保每个细节都以惊人的清晰度进行呈现,从而使用户能够全身心地投入到创作之中。华硕 ProArt 创16 搭载本地算力至高可达 321 AI TOPS 的 GeForce RTX 4070 笔记本电脑 GPU,可助力创意工作者充分利用 RTX AI 平台。借助 AI 降噪器、图像和视频生成以及 AI 视频编辑功能,创作者能够以更快的速度将概念转化为成品;此外,创作者还能畅享独家 NVIDIA AI 软件 (例如 NVIDIA Broadcast),使用 RTX Video 并观看 ChatRTX 技术演示。这款笔记本电脑采用新款 AMD Ryzen AI 300 系列处理器,其中集成了算力高达 50 TOPS 的 NPU。

华硕 ProArt 创13

超便携华硕 ProArt 创13 搭载本地算力至高可达 321 AI TOPS 的 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 笔记本电脑 GPU 以及新一代 AMD Ryzen AI 系列处理器,能够实现出色的效率和性能。这款重量仅为 1.3 千克的 13 英寸可变形笔记本电脑经过精心设计,在任何使用情况下都能有出色表现,并且其 360° 铰链可确保能够在笔记本电脑模式、帐篷模式、支架模式或平板电脑模式之间无缝切换。无论你是在移动途中进行创作,还是在家办公,这款设备的高分辨率 3K ASUS Lumina OLED 显示屏都能确保视觉效果生动逼真、引人入胜并能激发你的灵感。

华硕 TUF Gaming A14 和 A16

热门的华硕 TUF 游戏笔记本电脑系列再添两款新机型。这两款机型采用全新超便携机身设计,搭载 AMD Ryzen AI 300 系列处理器以及本地算力至高可达 321 AI TOPS 的专用 GeForce RTX 笔记本电脑 GPU。再加上更高的散热性能和卓越的可升级性,TUF 游戏笔记本电脑系列为注重价值的游戏笔记本电脑树立了新的标杆。

这是华硕首次推出外形规格为 14 英寸的 TUF 游戏笔记本电脑。新款 TUF Gaming A14 兼具超便携性与超高性能,重量仅为 1.46 千克,厚度仅为 1.69 厘米。新款 A14 可顶配 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 笔记本电脑 GPU。

新款 TUF Gaming A16 仅厚 1.79 厘米,可顶配 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 笔记本电脑 GPU,是游戏、创作以及处理其他事务的理想选择。新款 A16 仅厚 1.79 厘米,可随身携带。尽管机身更薄,但由于采用了全新的全宽散热器和覆盖整个后部机身的出风口,因此 TUF Gaming A16 拥有更好的散热性能。两个第 2 代 Arc Flow 风扇能够使内部关键组件保持低温,同时降低笔记本电脑的表面温度。

ROG 幻 16 Air

NVIDIA Studio 认证的 ROG 幻 16 Air 从内到外都经过了全面的重新设计,采用全新的全铝 CNC 加工机身,在重量减轻的同时,提高了结构刚性,并增加了机身内的空间。ROG 幻 16 Air 可顶配算力最高可达 686 AI TOPS 的超强 GeForce RTX 4090 笔记本电脑 GPU,能够以令人惊叹的性能运行所有最新游戏和创意应用。华硕还在 Computex 2024 上发布了搭载 AMD Ryzen AI 300 系列处理器的新款 ROG 幻 16 Air 笔记本电脑。

这款笔记本电脑还为 Omniverse、Stable Diffusion 等工具提供专门的 AI 支持,让用户只需几秒即可在本地生成图像,而无需在云端长时间等待。得益于 AI 加速功能,视频编辑和 3D 渲染项目可以实现两倍以上的速度提升,而且能够减少耗电,延长电池续航时间。这款笔记本电脑可全面使用由 AI 加速的最新技术,能够轻松满足最新创作软件和游戏的需求。

不仅如此,ROG 幻 16 Air 从各个方面看起来都极具独特性,不仅率先采用支持 G-SYNC 的 OLED 面板,同时提供 2.5K、240Hz 高分辨率高刷新,还获得了 VESA DisplayHDR™ True Black 500 认证,拥有 100% DCI-P3 广色域盖率,而且 Delta E 精度值小于 1。

微星绝影 A16 AI+

微星笔记本电脑搭载的 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 和 NVIDIA RTX 笔记本电脑 GPU 是专为 AI 时代而打造的。每个 GeForce 笔记本电脑 GPU 上的专用 AI Tensor Core 都由我们先进的 Ada Lovelace 架构提供支持,可为游戏、创作、日常工作、开发等领域的 AI 提供非凡性能和变革性功能。无论是现在还是未来,RTX GPU 都能让用户在 Windows PC 上充分发挥 AI 的潜力。

微星绝影 A16 AI+ 可搭载 GeForce RTX 4070 笔记本电脑 GPU,能够实现卓越的 AI 性能,并且算力最高可达 321 TOPS。从今天起,用户可为该笔记本电脑配备 AMD Ryzen AI 300 系列处理器。

RTX AI PC助力打造高级 AI 体验

芯片的 AI 性能通过速度来衡量,并以 TOPS (即: 每秒万亿次运算) 来表示。速度最快的 RTX AI PC 可实现惊人的 686 AI TOPS 本地算力,比搭载神经处理单元 (NPU) 的最新 SOC 快一个数量级。

除了目前已由 RTX 加速的 500 多款支持 AI 的游戏和应用外,这些 GeForce RTX AI PC 还专为 NVIDIA RTX RemixNVIDIA ACENVIDIA RTX Video 和 G-Assist 项目等 AI 应用打造。

请务必查看我们发布的其他 Computex 2024 公告,了解 NVIDIA 正在如何利用 AI 和 NVIDIA RTX 技术推动游戏和创作不断发展。

Introducing Project G-Assist: A Preview of How AI Assistants Can Enhance Games & Apps

Project G-Assist is an RTX-powered AI assistant technology demo that provides context-aware help for PC games and apps.

PC games offer vast universes to explore and intricate mechanics to challenge even the most dedicated gamer. Project G-Assist aims to put game and system knowledge at players’ fingertips.


Project G-Assist takes voice or text inputs from the player, along with a snapshot of what’s in the game window. The snapshot is fed into AI vision models that provide context awareness and app-specific understanding for the Large Language Model (LLM), which is connected to a database of game knowledge such as a wiki. The output of the LLM is an insightful and personalized response—either text, or speech from the AI —based on what’s happening in-game.

NVIDIA partnered with Studio Wildcard to demo the technology with ARK: Survival Ascended. Project G-Assist can help answer questions about creatures, quests, items, lore, difficult to tackle bosses and more. And because Project G-Assist is context-aware, it personalizes its responses to the user’s playthrough.

Additionally, Project G-Assist can evaluate your system’s configuration and performance, and instantly tune it for an optimal experience. Apply NVIDIA app’s optimized game settings, based on extensive testing on thousands of hardware configurations; enable Performance Tuning to apply a safe GPU overclock; switch on NVIDIA Reflex to reduce system latency for more responsive gaming; plus so much more.

We envision AI assistants transforming the way we engage with our favorite games and apps. Imagine getting instant context-aware assistance with a complex creative workflow in a photo or video app. Or an AI coach analyzing your multiplayer replays, teaching you strategies to move up the ranks in competitive matches. Project G-Assist is a glimpse into that future.

Project G-Assist won’t play a game for you like we suggested in our prophetic 2017 April Fool’s video, but it can help you get more out of your favorite games, and find help for a troublesome boss. Takeout ordering, however… we could definitely add that to the roadmap.

For further details, check out our dedicated Project G-Assist article.

NVIDIA ACE Digital Human Technologies Now on GeForce RTX AI PCs

NVIDIA ACE technology for powering digital humans is now coming to RTX AI PCs and workstations with NVIDIA NIM — a collection of inference microservices that make it easier for developers to deploy language, speech, and animation applications

At Computex 2024, the debut of NIM for ACE will be featured in the Covert Protocol tech demo. Developed in collaboration with Inworld AI, the demo now showcases Audio2Face and NVIDIA Riva automatic speech recognition running locally on GeForce RTX AI PCs and laptops.


Additionally, leading developers are transforming character interactions by integrating ACE technology into real-time applications across gaming, customer service, digital influencers, and more. Below, you can check out videos from Perfect World’s Legends tech demo, OurPalm’s Code Z, and Aww Inc. For further details about each, head here.

AI For Content Creation

NVIDIA is also integrating RTX AI acceleration into apps for creators, modders and video enthusiasts.

Last year, NVIDIA introduced RTX acceleration using TensorRT for one of the most popular Stable Diffusion user interfaces, Automatic1111. Starting this week, RTX will also accelerate the highly popular ComfyUI, delivering up to a 60% improvement in performance over the currently shipping version, and 7x faster performance compared to the MacBook Pro M3 Max.

NVIDIA RTX Video, the popular AI-powered super-resolution feature supported in the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers, is now available as an SDK to all developers, helping them natively integrate AI for upscaling, sharpening, compression artifact reduction and high-dynamic range (HDR) conversion.

Coming soon to video editing software Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve and Wondershare Filmora, RTX Video will enable video editors to upscale lower-quality video files to 4K, as well as convert standard dynamic range source files into HDR. Additionally, the free media player VLC media will soon add RTX Video HDR to its existing super-resolution capability.

NVIDIA RTX Remix To Open Source Creator Toolkit

NVIDIA RTX Remix is a modding platform for remastering classic DirectX 8 and DirectX 9 games with full ray tracing, NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 and physically accurate materials. RTX Remix consists of a runtime renderer, and an app called RTX Remix Toolkit that facilitates the modding of game assets and materials.

Since RTX Remix Toolkit launched earlier this year, 20,000 modders have experimented with using it to mod classic games, resulting in over 130 RTX remasters in development on the RTX Remix Showcase Discord.

Last year, NVIDIA made RTX Remix Runtime open source, allowing modders to expand game compatibility and advance rendering capabilities. This month, NVIDIA will make the RTX Remix Toolkit open source, allowing modders to streamline how assets are replaced and scenes are relit, increase supported file formats for RTX Remix’s asset ingestor, and bolster RTX Remix’s AI Texture Tools with new models.

In addition, NVIDIA is making the capabilities of RTX Remix Toolkit accessible via a REST application programming interface, allowing modders to livelink RTX Remix to digital content creation tools such as Blender, modding tools such as Hammer and generative AI apps such as ComfyUI. NVIDIA is also providing an SDK for RTX Remix Runtime to allow modders to deploy RTX Remix’s renderer into other applications and games beyond DirectX 8 and 9 classics.

With more of the RTX Remix platform being made open source, modders across the globe can build even more stunning RTX remasters. For further details about the update launching later this month, head here.

Windows Copilot Runtime to Add GPU Acceleration for Local PC SLMs

Microsoft and NVIDIA are collaborating to help developers bring new generative AI capabilities to their Windows native and web apps. The collaboration will provide application developers with easy application programming interface (API) access to GPU-accelerated small language models (SLMs) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) capabilities that run on-device powered by Windows Copilot Runtime.

SLMs provide tremendous possibilities for Windows developers including content summarization, content generation, and task automation. RAG capabilities augment SLMs by giving the AI model access to domain-specific information not well represented in the base models. RAG APIs enable developers to harness application-specific data sources and tune SLM behavior and capabilities to application needs.

These AI capabilities will be accelerated by NVIDIA RTX GPUs, as well as AI accelerators from other hardware vendors, providing end users with fast, responsive AI experiences across the breadth of the Windows ecosystem.  

The API will be released in developer preview later this year.

AI - Powered by GeForce RTX & NVIDIA RTX AI Laptops and PCs

These new AI features, apps and experiences join our ever-growing list of AI advancements powered by GeForce RTX and NVIDIA RTX AI PCs. Be sure to check out our other Computex 2024 announcements to see how NVIDIA is advancing gaming and creating with AI and NVIDIA RTX technologies.

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