Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 560.35.03 | Linux 64-bit

驱动主页 > Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver

*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

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驱动版本: 560.35.03
发布日期: Wed Aug 21, 2024
操作系统: Linux 64-bit
语言: Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小: 322.52 MB

单击“下载”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并同意 NVIDIA 软件用户使用许可。 单击“下载”按钮后,驱动程序将立即开始下载。NVIDIA 建议用户更新到最新的驱动版本。


自动检测驱动并保持更新。截取视频、屏幕截图并与好友分享。NVIDIA app 是 GeForce 显卡的重要搭档。

借助 NVIDIA App 进行协作、工作和娱乐。

工作效率并不会随着工作空间的整理而终结。借助新的 NVIDIA app,您可以在单个应用中获得全套 GPU 生产力工具,从而简化耗时的任务。充分利用 NVIDIA RTX 专业显卡。

Highlights since R560 2nd Beta Release, 560.31.02

  • Fixed a bug, introduced in 555.58, where some DVI outputs would not work with HDMI monitors.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause KDE Plasma Shell to freeze while hovering over or opening applets when running in Wayland compositor mode.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the display to freeze when presenting windows using Wayland direct scanout on multiple monitors.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause kernel crashes upon attempting KMS operations through DRM when nvidia_drm was loaded with modeset=0.

Highlights from R560 2nd Beta Release, 560.31.02

  • Fixed a bug that caused widespread crashing with Xwayland games.
  • Fixed a race condition involving modeset ownership which could lead to flip event timeout errors when enabling the 'fbdev' kernel module parameter in nvidia-drm.
  • Fixed a regression that caused nvidia-powerd to exit when nvidia-dbus.conf was not present in the /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ directory.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause memory corruption while handling ACPI events on some notebooks.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause external displays to become frozen until the next modeset when using PRIME Display Offloading with the NVIDIA dGPU acting as the display offload sink.

Highlights from R560 Beta Release, 560.28.03

  • Updated nvidia-installer to select the NVIDIA open GPU kernel modules by default on systems with GPUs that support both the proprietary and open kernel modules.
  • Fixed a bug that caused GPU driver installation to fail when the system used alternate implementations of the 'tr' utility, such as from the busybox or toybox projects.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong image format to be used for render pass image clears in Vulkan applications when using a VkImage created with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT. This could lead to rendering corruption, as described in issues such as:
  • Fixed multiple issues that could cause crashes or unexpected behaviors when re-creating an NvFBC capture session.
  • Added support for EGL_KHR_platform_x11 and EGL_EXT_platform_xcb on Xwayland.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some displays to appear multiple times in the nvidia-settings display layout configuration page on systems with multiple GPUs.
  • Added a PipeWire backend to NvFBC that allows it to work on the Wayland compositors that support screencasting via XDG Desktop Portal. This new interface will be available through an upcoming Capture SDK release.
  • Added support for multiple concurrent clients to NvFBC direct capture.
  • Added reporting of Vulkan information to nvidia-settings control panel.
  • Compiling nvidia-settings from source now requires Vulkan header files to be available.
  • Support DRM-KMS explicit synchronization via the IN_FENCE_FD mode setting property.
  • Support VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) for Wayland on pre-Volta GPUs.
  • Added support for Variable Refresh Rate on notebooks with the open kernel modules.
  • Updated glXWaitVideoSyncSGI() to be more efficient. This reduces frame stutter in some KDE configurations with GSP offload.
  • Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL triple buffering to behave like double buffering.



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