每天都有越来越多的人利用 AI 来发掘 AI 艺术惊人的原创能力。他们将生成式 AI 当作工具、协作者,乃至灵感源泉,借此生成各种创意作品。这是任何一个个体单独无法想象的。
借此难得的机会,请与我们一起探索视觉作品、音乐和诗歌中 AI 艺术的美学、活力与洞察力。
基于自然、历史和人类活动创作的 AI 数据绘画和雕塑。.
Refik Anadol
基于自然、历史和人类活动创作的 AI 数据绘画和雕塑。
通过 AI 改变景观,重新定义天空。
Amelia Winger-Bearskin
科幻领域中的 AI 赋能虚拟形象。
Vanessa Rosa
机器缪斯:时装领域中的 AI。
Fashion Innovation Agency, 伦敦时装学院
Custom datasets, GANs, and image classification
Artificial intelligence virtual artist-composed music
AI-generated poetry
Questioning ownership of the sky through AI-altered landscapes
Visualization of time through AI-generated flowers
Computational photography and artificial intelligence
Interactive robotic installation
The Machine Muses: AI in Fashion
Generative mixed media
Performance and multichannel A/V with TensorFlow
Transformation of 2D photos into 3D scenes with AI
Machine learning-generated, multi-sensory art experiences
Human-machine interactive experience
AI-trained lyrics inspiration engine
Robot-taming interactive performance
AI-guided music experiments
GANs, GPUs, and multispectral imaging
Algorithmic robotic painting
AI Data Paintings and Sculptures
Generative AI drawing and sculpture
3D GAN and 3D style-transfer
Conversational deep learning chatbot
AI-visualized Chinese poetry with GANs and Kaolin
The story of physical-turned-digital AI-powered avatars
查看 GTC 专场会议,体验创意人士常用技术(生成式 AI、3D 技术等)的新功能。