Jetson Xavier NX 只有 70 毫米 x 45 毫米,可以将 NVIDIA Xavier SoC 的强大性能封装到 Jetson Nano 大小的模块中。这个小巧的模块将卓越性能和功率优势与一组丰富的 IO(从高速 CSI 和 PCIe 到低速 I2C 和 GPIO)相结合。利用小巧体型、传感器丰富的接口和卓越性能,为您的所有嵌入式 AI 系统和边缘系统带来新功能。
NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX 是外形小巧的模组系统 (SOM),可为边缘系统提供超级计算机性能。借助高达 21 TOPS 的加速计算能力,它可以并行运行现代神经网络并处理来自多个高分辨率传感器的数据,这是完整 AI 系统的要求。Jetson Xavier NX 是生产就绪型产品,可支持所有热门 AI 框架。
Jetson Xavier NX 将于 2020 年 3 月在全球推出。
Jetson Xavier NX 只有 70 毫米 x 45 毫米,可以将 NVIDIA Xavier SoC 的强大性能封装到 Jetson Nano 大小的模块中。这个小巧的模块将卓越性能和功率优势与一组丰富的 IO(从高速 CSI 和 PCIe 到低速 I2C 和 GPIO)相结合。利用小巧体型、传感器丰富的接口和卓越性能,为您的所有嵌入式 AI 系统和边缘系统带来新功能。
Jetson Xavier NX 在 10 瓦功率下可提供 14 TOPS,而在 15 瓦功率下可提供 21 TOPS,非常适合在大小和功率方面受限的系统。凭借 384 个 CUDA 核心、48 个 Tensor Core 和 2 个 NVDLA 引擎,它可以并行运行多个现代神经网络,并同时处理来自多个传感器的高分辨率数据。
借助 Jetson Xavier NX,您可以使用完整的 NVIDIA 软件堆栈,通过加速库来运行现代 AI 网络和框架,从而实现深度学习以及计算机视觉、计算机图形、多媒体等。而且,它仍然能为当今嵌入式应用程序所需的传感器和外围设备留出更多功率预算。
Jetson Xavier NX 适用于无人机、便携式医疗设备、小型商业机器人、智能摄像头、高分辨率传感器、自动光学检测和其他 IoT 嵌入式系统等高性能 AI 系统。
通过下载软件修补程序并将其安装到 Jetson AGX Xavier 开发者套件,立即开始开发 Jetson Xavier NX。
Jetson Xavier NX 模块推出时接收通知
At 70 mm x 45 mm, Jetson Xavier NX packs the power of the NVIDIA Xavier SoC into a module the size of a Jetson Nano™. This compact module combines exceptional performance and power advantage with a rich set of IOs—from high-speed CSI and PCIe to low-speed I2Cs and GPIOs. Take advantage of the small form factor, sensor-rich interfaces, and big performance to bring new capability to all your embedded AI and edge systems.
Jetson Xavier NX delivers up to 21 TOPS, making it ideal for high-performance compute and AI in embedded and edge systems. You get the performance of 384 NVIDIA CUDA® Cores, 48 Tensor Cores, 6 Carmel ARM CPUs, and two NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerators (NVDLA) engines. Combined with over 51GB/s of memory bandwidth, video encoded, and decode, these features make Jetson Xavier NX the platform of choice to run multiple modern neural networks in parallel and process high-resolution data from multiple sensors simultaneously.
Jetson Xavier NX supports multiple power modes, including low-power modes for battery-operated systems, and delivers up to 14 TOPs for AI applications in as little as 10 W. This leaves more of your power budget for sensors and peripherals, while still letting you use the entire NVIDIA software stack. You now have the performance to run all modern AI networks and frameworks with accelerated libraries for deep learning, computer vision, computer graphics, multimedia, and more.
Jetson Xavier NX is perfect for high-performance AI systems like commercial robots, medical instruments, smart cameras, high-resolution sensors, automated optical inspection, smart factories, and other AIoT embedded systems.