NVIDIA RTX / Quadro Desktop and Notebook Driver Release 525 R525 U2 (527.27) | Windows 11

驱动主页 > NVIDIA RTX / Quadro Desktop and Notebook Driver Release 525

*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

单击“下载”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并同意 NVIDIA 软件用户使用许可。 单击“下载”按钮后,驱动程序将立即开始下载。NVIDIA 建议用户更新到最新的驱动版本。

驱动版本: R525 U2 (527.27) | WHQL

Windows 硬件质量实验室测试或 WHQL 测试是一个测试过程,涉及在第三方 (即非 Microsoft) 硬件或软件上运行一系列测试,然后将这些测试的日志文件提交 Microsoft 审查。该过程还可能包括 Microsoft 在各种设备上运行自己的测试,例如不同的硬件和不同的 Microsoft Windows 版本。

发布日期: Mon Nov 28, 2022
操作系统: Windows 10 64-bit,
Windows 11
语言: English (US)
文件大小: 697.1 MB

单击“下载”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并同意 NVIDIA 软件用户使用许可。 单击“下载”按钮后,驱动程序将立即开始下载。NVIDIA 建议用户更新到最新的驱动版本。


自动检测驱动并保持更新。截取视频、屏幕截图并与好友分享。NVIDIA app 是 GeForce 显卡的重要搭档。

借助 NVIDIA App 进行协作、工作和娱乐。

工作效率并不会随着工作空间的整理而终结。借助新的 NVIDIA app,您可以在单个应用中获得全套 GPU 生产力工具,从而简化耗时的任务。充分利用 NVIDIA RTX 专业显卡。

NVIDIA RTX Enterprise Production Branch Driver

Release 525 is a Production Branch release of the NVIDIA RTX Enterprise Driver. This driver provides improvements over the previous branch in the areas of application performance, API interoperability (e.g., OpenCL/Vulkan), and feature support.

Production Branch drivers are designed and tested to provide long-term stability and availability.  These drivers are ideal for enterprise customers and professional users who require application and hardware certification and regular driver updates for the latest in driver enhancements and security improvements.

In addition to professional workstation features, this version of the Production Branch driver contains all the benefits of the NVIDIA Studio Driver of the same version.

New Features in Version R525 U2
  • Security updates: see Security Bulletin: NVIDIA GPU Display Driver – November 2022, which is listed on the NVIDIA Product Security page
  • NVIDIA RTX Desktop Manager version 203.87, included with the Version 527.27 driver, adds an option to include a quick access button in the title bar of supported application windows. The button provides easy access to often used features, such as sending a window to the next/previous display, locking a window to the top-most layer, and quickly resizing a window to a grid.  Grid size adjustments are also now possible through pixel or percentage of screen dimensions.

Fixed Issues in Version 525 U2
  • [Autodesk][Maya] – Maya 2022/2023 crashes on launch pointing to nvoglv64.dll
  • [LUMION] – Draw Indexed Indirect calls ignored on older NVIDIA architectures
  • [Dassault][3DEXPERIENCE] – Corrupt/Dark texture views before OpenGL-Vulkan context switch

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