GeForce Game Ready Driver 399.24 | Windows 8 64-bit

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*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

*此下载包括 NVIDIA 显卡驱动以及另外安装 GeForce Experience 应用的选项。有关软件使用的详细信息,请分别参阅 NVIDIA GeForce 软件许可证GeForce Experience 软件许可证

单击“下载”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并同意 NVIDIA 软件用户使用许可。 单击“下载”按钮后,驱动程序将立即开始下载。NVIDIA 建议用户更新到最新的驱动版本。

驱动版本: 399.24 | WHQL

Windows 硬件质量实验室测试或 WHQL 测试是一个测试过程,涉及在第三方 (即非 Microsoft) 硬件或软件上运行一系列测试,然后将这些测试的日志文件提交 Microsoft 审查。该过程还可能包括 Microsoft 在各种设备上运行自己的测试,例如不同的硬件和不同的 Microsoft Windows 版本。

发布日期: Mon Sep 10, 2018
操作系统: Windows 7 64-bit,
Windows 8.1 64-bit,
Windows 8 64-bit
语言: Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小: 460.28 MB

单击“下载”按钮,即表示您确认已阅读并同意 NVIDIA 软件用户使用许可。 单击“下载”按钮后,驱动程序将立即开始下载。NVIDIA 建议用户更新到最新的驱动版本。


自动检测驱动并保持更新。截取视频、屏幕截图并与好友分享。NVIDIA app 是 GeForce 显卡的重要搭档。

借助 NVIDIA App 进行协作、工作和娱乐。

工作效率并不会随着工作空间的整理而终结。借助新的 NVIDIA app,您可以在单个应用中获得全套 GPU 生产力工具,从而简化耗时的任务。充分利用 NVIDIA RTX 专业显卡。

As part of the NVIDIA Notebook Driver Program, this is a reference driver that can be installed on supported NVIDIA notebook GPUs. However, please note that your notebook original equipment manufacturer (OEM) provides certified drivers for your specific notebook on their website. NVIDIA recommends that you check with your notebook OEM about recommended software updates for your notebook. OEMs may not provide technical support for issues that arise from the use of this driver.

Before downloading this driver:

  1. It is recommended that you backup your current system configuration. Click here for instructions.

Game Ready Drivers provide the best possible gaming experience for all major new releases, including Virtual Reality games. Prior to a new title launching, our driver team is working up until the last minute to ensure every performance tweak and bug fix is included for the best gameplay on day-1.

Game Ready
Provides the optimal gaming experience for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout open beta, and Assetto Corsa Competizione early access



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