Linux 驱动注意事项

许多 Linux 发行版以发行版的本机包管理格式提供自己的 NVIDIA Linux 图形驱动程序包。 这可能会与您的发行版框架的其余部分更好地交互,并且您可能希望使用它而不是 NVIDIA 的官方软件包。


从 NVIDIA 获取最新驱动版本的自动通知。 只需单击一下,即可直接更新驱动,无需离开桌面。

最适合: 游戏玩家和创作者

最适合: 专业人士 / 工作站用户




拥有当前 vGPU 软件许可的企业客户 (GRID vPC、GRID vApps 或 Quadro vDWS) 可通过点击以下链接,登录企业软件下载门户。如需有关如何访问您已购买许可的详细信息,请访问 vGPU 软件下载页面

Linux 驱动

注意:许多 Linux 发行版以发行版的本机包管理格式提供自己的 NVIDIA Linux 图形驱动程序包。 这可能会与您的发行版框架的其余部分更好地交互,并且您可能希望使用它而不是 NVIDIA 的官方软件包。


拥有当前 vGPU 软件许可的企业客户 (GRID vPC、GRID vApps 或 Quadro vDWS) 可通过点击以下链接,登录企业软件下载门户。如需有关如何访问您已购买许可的详细信息,请访问 vGPU 软件下载页面.


拥有当前 vGPU 软件许可的企业客户 (GRID vPC、GRID vApps 或 Quadro vDWS) 可通过点击以下链接,登录企业软件下载门户。如需有关如何访问您已购买许可的详细信息,请访问 vGPU 软件下载页面.

Download Type

Production Branch/Studio Most users select this choice for optimal stability and performance. The NVIDIA RTX Enterprise Production Branch driver is a rebrand of the Quadro Optimal Driver for Enterprise (ODE). It offers the same ISV certification, long life-cycle support, regular security updates, and access to the same functionality as prior Quadro ODE drivers and corresponding Studio Drivers (i.e., of the same driver version number).

New Feature Branch (NFB)/Quadro New Feature (QNF) Users occasionally select this choice for access to new features, bug fixes, new operating system support, and other driver enhancements offered between Production Branch releases. Support duration for New Feature Branches is shorter than that for Production Branches.

Download Type

"All" Shows all available driver options for the selected product.

"Game Ready Drivers" provide the best possible gaming experience for all major games. NVIDIA's driver team exhaustively tests games from early access through release of each DLC to optimize for performance, stability, and functionality. These drivers are certified by Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).

"NFB / SLB" New Feature Branch (NFB) [formerly known as Linux Short Lived Branch (SLB)] New Feature Branch Linux drivers provide early adopters and bleeding edge developers access to the latest driver features before they are integrated into the Production Branches.


Download Type

"All" Shows all available driver options for the selected product.

"Game Ready Drivers" provide the best possible gaming experience for all major games. NVIDIA's driver team exhaustively tests games from early access through release of each DLC to optimize for performance, stability, and functionality. These drivers are certified by Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).

"Studio Drivers" provide the best possible experience for key creative applications. NVIDIA does extensive testing across the top creative applications to ensure the highest levels of performance, stability, and functionality. These drivers are certified by Microsoft’s Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).

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